Known Issues


  • The oldest Kubernetes version for which Submariner is known to work is 1.19 (1.21 for Service Discovery).
  • Submariner only supports kube-proxy in iptables mode. IPVS is not supported at this time.
  • CoreDNS is supported out of the box for *.clusterset.local service discovery. KubeDNS needs manual configuration. Please refer to the GKE Quickstart Guide for more information.
  • Clusters deployed with the Calico network plug-in require further configuration to be compatible with Submariner. Please refer to the Calico-specific deployment instructions.
  • The Gateway load balancer support is still experimental and needs more testing.
  • Submariner Gateway metrics submariner_gateway_rx_bytes and submariner_gateway_tx_bytes will not be collected when using the VXLAN cable driver.
  • Submariner does not support IPv6-only setups. On dual-stack setups, it only allocates IPv4 addresses.
  • In OpenShift 4.18 with OVNK, the source IP is not retained when packet reaches the destination pod. This may affect applications relying on source IP, like NetworkPolicy.


  • The subctl benchmark latency command is not compatible with Globalnet deployments at this time.

Deploying with Helm on OpenShift

When deploying Submariner using Helm on OpenShift, Submariner needs to be granted the appropriate security context for its service accounts:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:submariner:submariner-routeagent
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:submariner:submariner-gateway
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:submariner:submariner-globalnet

This is handled automatically in subctl and the Submariner addon.