
Deploying with Helm

Installing Helm

The latest Submariner charts require Helm 3; once you have that, run

export KUBECONFIG=<kubeconfig-of-broker>
helm repo add submariner-latest https://submariner-io.github.io/submariner-charts/charts

Exporting environment variables needed later

export BROKER_NS=submariner-k8s-broker
export SUBMARINER_NS=submariner-operator
export SUBMARINER_PSK=$(LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 64 | head -n 1)

Deploying the Broker

helm install "${BROKER_NS}" submariner-latest/submariner-k8s-broker \
             --create-namespace \
             --namespace "${BROKER_NS}"

Setup more environment variables we will need later for joining clusters.

export SUBMARINER_BROKER_CA=$(kubectl -n "${BROKER_NS}" get secrets \
    -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='${BROKER_NS}-client')].data['ca\.crt']}")
export SUBMARINER_BROKER_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n "${BROKER_NS}" get secrets \
    -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='${BROKER_NS}-client')].data.token}" \
       | base64 --decode)
export SUBMARINER_BROKER_URL=$(kubectl -n default get endpoints kubernetes \
    -o jsonpath="{.subsets[0].addresses[0].ip}:{.subsets[0].ports[?(@.name=='https')].port}")

Joining a cluster

This step needs to be repeated for every cluster you want to connect with Submariner.

export KUBECONFIG=kubeconfig-of-the-cluster-to-join
export CLUSTER_ID=the-id-of-the-cluster
export CLUSTER_CIDR=x.x.x.x/x   # the cluster's Pod IP CIDR
export SERVICE_CIDR=x.x.x.x/x   # the cluster's Service IP CIDR

If your clusters have overlapping IPs (Cluster/Service CIDRs), please set:

export GLOBALNET=true
export GLOBAL_CIDR=242.x.x.x/x # using an individual non-overlapping
                                 # range for each cluster you join.

Joining the cluster:

helm install submariner-operator submariner-latest/submariner-operator \
        --create-namespace \
        --namespace "${SUBMARINER_NS}" \
        --set ipsec.psk="${SUBMARINER_PSK}" \
        --set broker.server="${SUBMARINER_BROKER_URL}" \
        --set broker.token="${SUBMARINER_BROKER_TOKEN}" \
        --set broker.namespace="${BROKER_NS}" \
        --set broker.ca="${SUBMARINER_BROKER_CA}" \
        --set broker.globalnet="${GLOBALNET}" \
        --set submariner.serviceDiscovery=true \
        --set submariner.cableDriver=libreswan \ # or wireguard or vxlan
        --set submariner.clusterId="${CLUSTER_ID}" \
        --set submariner.clusterCidr="${CLUSTER_CIDR}" \
        --set submariner.serviceCidr="${SERVICE_CIDR}" \
        --set submariner.globalCidr="${GLOBAL_CIDR}" \
        --set submariner.natEnabled="true" \ # disable this if no NAT will happen between gateways
        --set serviceAccounts.globalnet.create="${GLOBALNET}" \
        --set serviceAccounts.lighthouseAgent.create=true \
        --set serviceAccounts.lighthouseCoreDns.create=true

Overriding Submariner Images

The examples below demonstrate how to use images from a local registry. It’s also possible to use an online registry.

To override the operator image:

        --set operator.image.repository="localhost:5000/submariner-operator" \
        --set operator.image.tag="local" \
        --set operator.image.pullPolicy="IfNotPresent"

To override all Submariner images:

        --set submariner.images.repository="localhost:5000" \
        --set submariner.image.tag="local"

To override a specific image, set images.<image-name> to the full URL, e.g.:

        --set images.submariner-gateway="localhost:5000/submariner-gateway:local"

OpenShift Requirements

If installing on OpenShift, please also add the Submariner service accounts (SAs) to the privileged Security Context Constraint.

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:submariner:submariner-routeagent
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:submariner:submariner-engine

Perform automated verification

Automated verification of the deployment can be performed by using the verification tests embedded in the subctl command line tool via the subctl verify command.

Install subctl

Download the subctl binary and make it available on your PATH.

curl -Ls https://get.submariner.io | bash
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
echo export PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin >> ~/.profile

If you have Go and the source code, you can build and install subctl instead:

cd go/src/submariner-io/subctl
go build -o $GOBIN/subctl github.com/submariner-io/subctl/cmd

(and ensure your go/bin directory is on your PATH).

Run the verification

Ensure your kubeconfigs have different context names for each cluster, e.g. “cluster-a” and “cluster-b”; then run

KUBECONFIG=cluster-a/auth/kubeconfig:cluster-b/auth/kubeconfig subctl verify --context cluster-a --tocontext cluster-b --verbose