Customizing Deployments

Shipyard supports specifying different settings for each deployed cluster. The settings are specified using a SETTINGS variable, which must be set in the Makefile of each consuming project.

Using Custom Settings

Set the SETTINGS variable to deploy with your custom settings file (must be inside the project’s directory structure), e.g.:

make deploy SETTINGS=<path/to/settings>.yaml

Deployment Settings File

The settings are specified in a YAML file, where default and per cluster settings can be provided. All clusters are listed under the clusters key, and each cluster can have specific deployment settings. All cluster specific settings can be specified on the root of the settings file to determine defaults.

The possible settings are:

  • Global settings:
    • broker: Special key to mark the broker, set to anything to select a broker (defaults to the first cluster).
    • cluster_count: Can be used to quickly deploy multiple clusters with an identical topology.
    • clusters: Map of clusters to deploy. Each key is the cluster name and the values are cluster specific settings.
  • Global and/or cluster specific:
    • cni: Which CNI to deploy on the cluster, currently supports the default kind CNI (kindnet, used if no value is specified) and ovn.
    • nodes: A space separated list of nodes to deploy, supported types are control-plane and worker.
    • submariner: If Submariner should be deployed, set to true. Otherwise, leave unset (or set to false explicitly).
    • gateways: Number of gateway nodes to deploy.

Settings File Examples

For example, a basic settings file that deploys a couple of clusters with the kind CNI:

submariner: true
nodes: control-plane worker worker

The following settings file deploys two clusters with one control node and two workers, with OVN and Submariner. The third cluster will host the broker and as such needs no CNI, only a worker node, and no Submariner deployment:

cni: ovn
submariner: true
nodes: control-plane worker worker
    broker: true
    submariner: false
    nodes: control-plane

The following settings file deploys two clusters. As no gateways setting is specified either globally or for the first cluster specifically, the first cluster will get have a single gateway node by default. The second cluster will be deployed with one control node and three worker nodes, with two of the nodes labeled as gateway nodes.

submariner: true
nodes: control-plane worker
    nodes: control-plane worker worker worker
    gateways: 2