
The subctl command-line utility simplifies the deployment and maintenance of Submariner by automating interactions with the Submariner Operator.


subctl [command] [--flags] ...


Download the subctl binary and make it available on your PATH.

curl -Ls | bash
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
echo export PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin >> ~/.profile

If you have Go and the source code, you can build and install subctl instead:

cd go/src/submariner-io/subctl
go build -o $GOBIN/subctl

(and ensure your go/bin directory is on your PATH).

Installing specific versions

By default, will provide the latest release for subctl, and hence Submariner. Specific versions can be requested by using the VERSION environment variable.

Avalailable options are:

  • latest: the latest stable release (default)
  • devel: the devel branch code.
  • rc: the latest release candidate.
  • x.x.x (like 0.6.1, 0.5.0, etc)

For example

curl | VERSION=devel bash

Common options

subctl commands which need access to a Kubernetes cluster handle the same access mechanisms as kubectl (see kubectl options). One or more kubeconfig files can be listed in the KUBECONFIG environment variable, or using the --kubeconfig option. A specific context can be chosen using the --context option; by default, subctl commands use the chosen kubeconfig’s current context.

Where appropriate, a namespace can be chosen using the --namespace (-n) option; by default, subctl commands use either the appropriate Submariner namespace, or the chosen context’s current namespace.

Some commands support multiple contexts. The “reference” context is the context specified by --context; the “other” context is identified by a prefix, e.g. --tocontext or --remotecontext. All the options providing access to a cluster are available with the corresponding prefix: --toconfig (the kubeconfig), --tousername etc. It is possible to use mutually conflicting kubeconfig files (e.g. files using the same names for different values) by specifiying them using --kubeconfig and the prefixed --…config; corresponding settings will only use the information from the matching kubeconfig.

References to the “selected context” and “selected namespace” in the documentation below refer to the context and namespace specified using the options described above.



subctl deploy-broker [flags]

The deploy-broker command configures the cluster specified by the selected context as the Broker. It installs the necessary CRDs and the submariner-k8s-broker namespace.

In addition, it generates a broker-info.subm file which can be used with the join command to connect clusters to the Broker. This file contains the following details:

  • Encryption PSK key
  • Broker access details for subsequent subctl runs
  • Service Discovery settings

deploy-broker flags

Flag Description
--repository <string> The repository from where the various Submariner images will be sourced (default
--version <string> Image version (defaults to the subctl version)
--components <strings> Comma-separated list of components to be installed - any of service-discovery,connectivity. The default is: service-discovery,connectivity
--globalnet Enable support for overlapping Cluster/Service CIDRs in connecting clusters (default disabled)
--globalnet-cidr-range <string> Global CIDR supernet range for allocating GlobalCIDRs to each cluster (default “”)
--globalnet-cluster-size <value> Default cluster size for GlobalCIDR allocated to each cluster (amount of global IPs) (default 65536)
--ipsec-psk-from <string> Import IPsec PSK from existing Submariner broker file, like broker-info.subm (default broker-info.subm)
--broker-namespace <string> Namespace on the Broker used for synchronizing resources between clusters (default submariner-k8s-broker)


export service

subctl export service [flags] <name> creates a ServiceExport resource for the given Service name. This makes the corresponding Service discoverable from other clusters in the Submariner deployment.

export service flags

Flag Description
--namespace <string> Namespace to use

If no namespace flag is specified, it uses the default namespace from the current context, if present, otherwise it uses default.


unexport service

subctl unexport service [flags] <name> removes the ServiceExport resource with the given name which in turn stops the Service of the same name from being exported to other clusters.

unexport service flags

Flag Description
--namespace <string> Namespace to use

If no namespace flag is specified, it uses the default namespace from the current context, if present, otherwise it uses default.


subctl join broker-info.subm [flags]

The join command deploys the Submariner Operator in a cluster using the settings provided in the broker-info.subm file. The service account credentials needed for the new cluster to access the Broker cluster will be created and provided to the Submariner Operator deployment.

join flags (general)

Flag Description
--air-gapped Specifies that the cluster is in an air-gapped environment without access to external servers.
--broker-url The URL of the broker API endpoint (overrides the URL stored in the broker information file).
--cable-driver <string> Cable driver implementation. Available options are libreswan (default), wireguard and vxlan
--check-broker-certificate Check the broker certificate (disable this to allow “insecure” connections) (default true).
--clustercidr <string> Specifies the cluster’s CIDR used to generate Pod IP addresses. If not specified, subctl will try to discover it and if unable to do so, it will prompt the user
--clusterid <string> Cluster ID used to identify the tunnels. Every cluster needs to have a unique cluster ID. If not provided, one will be generated by default based on the cluster name in the kubeconfig file; if the cluster name is not a valid cluster ID, the user will be prompted for one
--coredns-custom-configmap The name of the custom CoreDNS configmap used to configure forwarding to Lighthouse. It should be in <namespace>/<name> format where <namespace> is optional and defaults to kube-system.
--custom-domains The list of domains to use for multicluster service discovery.
--ignore-requirements Ignore requirement failures (unsupported).
--label-gateway Label getways (enabled by default). --label-gateway=false disables the prompt for a Worker node to use as gateway
--load-balancer Enable a cloud loadbalancer in front of the gateways. This removes the need for dedicated nodes with a public IP address
--operator-debug Enable verbose operator debugging.
--preferred-server Enable this cluster as a preferred IPsec server for dataplane connections (only available with libreswan cable driver)
--pod-debug Enable Submariner pod debugging (verbose logging in the deployed pods)
--servicecidr Specifies the cluster’s CIDR used to generate Service IP addresses. If not specified, subctl will try to discover it and if unable to do so, it will prompt the user

join flags (Globalnet)

Flag Description
--globalnet Enable/disable Globalnet for this cluster (default true). This has no effect if Globalnet is not enabled globally via the Broker
--globalnet-cidr <string> If Globalnet is enabled, the specific Globalnet CIDR to use for this cluster. This setting is exclusive with --globalnet-cluster-size
--globalnet-cluster-size <value> If Globalnet is enabled, the cluster size for the GlobalCIDR allocated to this cluster (amount of global IPs)

join flags (IPsec)

Flag Description
--natt Enable NAT for IPsec (default enabled)
--ipsec-debug Enable IPsec debugging (verbose logging)
--force-udp-encaps Force UDP encapsulation
--nattport <value> IPsec NAT-T port (default 4500)

join flags (images and repositories)

Flag Description
--repository <string> The repository from where the various Submariner images will be sourced (default
--version <string> Image version (defaults to the subctl version)
--image-override <string>=<string> Component image override. This flag can be used more than once (example:

join flags (health check)

Flag Description
--health-check Enable/disable Gateway health check (default true)
--health-check-interval <uint> The interval in seconds at which health check packets will be sent (default 1)
--health-check-max-packet-loss-count <uint> The maximum number of packets lost at which the health checker will mark the connection as down (default 5)


subctl upgrade [flags]

Upgrades subctl to the latest released version and upgrades Submariner components in any accessible clusters to match.

upgrade flags

Flag Description
--to-version <string> The version of subctl and Submariner to which to upgrade


show networks

subctl show networks [flags]

Inspects the cluster and reports information about the detected network plugin and detected Cluster and Service CIDRs.

show versions

subctl show versions [flags]

Shows the version and image repository of each Submariner component in the cluster.

show gateways

subctl show gateways [flags]

Shows summary information about the Submariner gateways in the cluster.

show connections

subctl show connections [flags]

Shows information about the Submariner endpoint connections with other clusters.

show endpoints

subctl show endpoints [flags]

Shows information about the Submariner endpoints in the cluster.

show brokers

subctl show brokers [flags]

Shows information about the Broker in the cluster.

show all

subctl show all [flags]

Shows the aggregated information from all the other show commands.


subctl verify --context <context1> --tocontext <context2> [--extracontext <context3>] [flags]

The verify command verifies a Submariner deployment between two clusters is functioning properly. <context1> will be ClusterA in the reports, while <context2> will be ClusterB in the reports. The --verbose flag is recommended to see what’s happening during the tests.

Some Service Discovery tests require a third cluster, specified via the --extracontext arg, to verify additional functionality. If the third cluster is not specified, those tests are skipped.

There are several suites of verifications that can be performed. By default, all verifications are performed. Some verifications are deemed disruptive in that they change some state of the clusters as a side effect. If running the command interactively, you will be prompted for confirmation to perform disruptive verifications unless the --disruptive-tests flag is also specified. If running non-interactively (that is with no stdin), --disruptive-tests must be specified otherwise disruptive verifications are skipped.

The connectivity suite verifies dataplane connectivity across the clusters for the following cases:

  • Pods (on Gateway nodes) to Services
  • Pods (on non-Gateway nodes) to Services
  • Pods (on Gateway nodes) to Pods
  • Pods (on non-Gateway nodes) to Pods

The service-discovery suite verifies DNS discovery of <service>.<namespace>.svc.clusterset.local entries across the clusters.

The gateway-failover suite verifies the continuity of cross-cluster dataplane connectivity after a gateway failure in a cluster occurs. This suite requires a single gateway configured on ClusterA and other available Worker nodes capable of serving as gateways. Please note that this verification is disruptive.

verify flags

Flag Description
--connection-attempts <value> The maximum number of connection attempts (default 2)
--connection-timeout <value> The timeout in seconds per connection attempt (default 60)
--operation-timeout <value> Operation timeout for Kubernetes API calls (default 240)
--junit-report <string> XML report path and name (default “")
--verbose Produce verbose logs during connectivity verification
--only Comma separated list of specific verifications to perform
--disruptive-tests Enable verifications which are potentially disruptive to your deployment
--image-override <string>=<string> Component image override. This flag can be used more than once (example:


benchmark throughput

subctl benchmark throughput --context <context1> [--tocontext <context2>] [flags]

The benchmark throughput command runs a throughput benchmark test between two specified clusters or within a single cluster. It deploys a Pod to run the iperf tool and logs the output to the console. When running benchmark throughput, two types of tests will be executed:

  • Pod to Pod - where both Pods are scheduled on Gateway nodes
  • Pod to Pod - where both Pods are scheduled on non-Gateway nodes

benchmark latency

subctl benchmark latency --context <context1> [--tocontext <context2>] [flags]

The benchmark latency command runs a latency benchmark test between two specified clusters or within a single cluster. It deploys a Pod to run the netperf tool and logs the output to the console. When running benchmark latency, two types of tests will be executed:

  • Pod to Pod - where both Pods are scheduled on Gateway nodes
  • Pod to Pod - where both Pods are scheduled on non-Gateway nodes

benchmark flags

Flag Description
--verbose Produce verbose logs during benchmark tests
--image-override <string>=<string> Component image override. This flag can be used more than once (example:


The subctl diagnose command is a tool that runs various checks to help diagnose issues in a Submariner deployment or some configurations in the cluster that may prevent Submariner from working properly.

Below is a list of available sub-commands:

Diagnose command Description Flags
deployment checks that the Submariner components are properly deployed and running with no overlapping CIDRs
connections checks that the Gateway connections to other clusters are all established
k8s-version checks if Submariner can be deployed on the Kubernetes version
kube-proxy-mode [flags] checks if the kube-proxy mode is supported by Submariner --namespace <string>
cni checks if the detected CNI network plugin is supported by Submariner
firewall intra-cluster [flags] checks if the firewall configuration allows traffic via intra-cluster Submariner VXLAN interface --validation-timeout <value>, --verbose, --namespace <string>
firewall inter-cluster --context <localcontext> --remotecontext <remotecontext> [flags] checks if the firewall configuration allows tunnels to be configured on the Gateway nodes --validation-timeout <value>, --verbose, --namespace <string>
all runs all diagnostic checks (except those requiring two kubecontexts)

diagnose flags descriptions

Flag Description
--namespace <string> Namespace in which validation pods should be deployed. If not specified, the default namespace is used
--validation-timeout <value> Timeout in seconds while validating the connection attempt
--image-override <string>=<string> Component image override. This flag can be used more than once (example:
--verbose Produce verbose logs during validation

diagnose global flags

| Flag | Description | --in-cluster | Use the in-cluster configuration to connect to Kubernetes.


The subctl gather command is a tool that collects various information from clusters to aid in troubleshooting a Submariner deployment, including Kubernetes resources and Pod logs. Clusters from which information is gathered are provided via the --kubeconfig flag (or the KUBECONFIG environment variable). By default it will gather information from all the cluster contexts contained in the kubeconfig. To gather information from specific clusters, contexts can be passed using --contexts flag.

The tool creates a UTC timestamped directory of the format submariner-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS containing various files. Kubernetes resources are written to YAML files with the naming format <cluster-name>_<resource-type>_<namespace>_<resource-name>.yaml. Pod logs are written to files with the format <cluster-name>_<pod-name>.log

The specific information collected is configurable. As part of gathering connectivity resources, it also collects information specific to the CNI and Submariner cable driver in use from each node using file format <cluster-name>_<node-name>_<command>.yaml

gather flags

Flag Description
--module <string> Comma-separated list of components for which to gather data. Default is operator,connectivity,service-discovery,broker
--type <string> Comma-separated list of data types to gather. Default is logs,resources

gather examples

These examples assume that kubeconfigs have been passed using the KUBECONFIG environment variable. Alternately, add the --kubeconfig flag if the environment variable is not set.

gather all from all clusters

It is recommended to use this when reporting any issue.

subctl gather

gather all from specific clusters

subctl gather --contexts cluster-east

gather operator and connectivity logs from specific clusters

subctl gather --contexts cluster-east,cluster-west --module operator,connectivity --type logs

gather broker and service-discovery resources from all clusters

subctl gather --module broker,service-discovery --type resources


cloud prepare

subctl cloud prepare [flags]

This command prepares the underlying cloud infrastructure for Submariner installation.

prepare global flags

Flag Description
--nat-discovery-port <uint16> NAT discovery port (default 4490)
--natt-port <uint16> IPsec NAT traversal port (default 4500)
--vxlan-port <uint16> Internal VXLAN port (default 4800)

prepare aws

subctl cloud prepare aws [flags]

This command prepares an OpenShift installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) on AWS cloud for Submariner installation.

Flag Description
--credentials <string> AWS credentials configuration file (default $HOME/.aws/credentials)
--gateway-instance <string> Type of gateway instance machine (default c5d.large)
--gateways <int> Number of dedicated gateways to deploy (Set to 0 when using –load-balancer mode) (default 1)
--infra-id <string> AWS infra ID
--ocp-metadata <string> OCP metadata.json file (or directory containing it) to read AWS infra ID and region from (takes precedence over the specific flags)
--profile <string> AWS profile to use for credentials (default “default”)
--region <string> AWS region

prepare gcp

subctl cloud prepare gcp [flags]

This command prepares an OpenShift installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) on GCP cloud for Submariner installation.

Flag Description
--credentials <string> GCP credentials configuration file (default $HOME/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json)
--dedicated-gateway Whether a dedicated gateway node has to be deployed (default true)
--gateway-instance <string> Type of gateway instance machine (default n1-standard-4)
--gateways <int> Number of dedicated gateways to deploy (default 1)
--infra-id <string> GCP infra ID
--ocp-metadata <string> OCP metadata.json file (or directory containing it) to read GCP infra ID and region from (takes precedence over the specific flags)
--project-id <string> GCP project ID
--region <string> GCP region

prepare rhos

subctl cloud prepare rhos [flags]

This command prepares an OpenShift installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) on OpenStack cloud for Submariner installation.

Flag Description
--cloud-entry <string> Specific cloud configuration to use from the clouds.yaml
--dedicated-gateway Whether a dedicated gateway node has to be deployed (default true)
--gateway-instance <string> Type of gateway instance machine (default PnTAE.CPU_4_Memory_8192_Disk_50)
--gateways <int> Number of gateways to deploy (default 1)
--infra-id <string> OpenStack infra ID
--ocp-metadata <string> OCP metadata.json file (or directory containing it) to read OpenStack infra ID and region from (takes precedence over the specific flags)
--project-id <string> OpenStack project ID
--region <string> OpenStack region

prepare generic flags

This command prepares a generic cluster for Submariner installation. It assumes that the cloud already has the necessary firewall ports opened and will only label the required number of gateway nodes for Submariner installation.

Flag Description
--gateways <int> Number of gateways to deploy (default 1)

cloud cleanup

This command cleans up the cloud after Submariner uninstallation.

cleanup aws

subctl cloud cleanup aws [flags]

This command cleans up an OpenShift installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) on AWS-based cloud after Submariner uninstallation.

Flag Description
--credentials <string> AWS credentials configuration file (default $HOME/.aws/credentials)
--infra-id <string> AWS infra ID
--ocp-metadata <string> OCP metadata.json file (or directory containing it) to read AWS infra ID and region from
--profile <string> AWS profile to use for credentials
--region <string> AWS region

cleanup gcp

subctl cloud cleanup gcp [flags]

This command cleans up an installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) on GCP-based cloud after Submariner uninstallation.

Flag Description
--credentials <string> GCP Credentials configuration file (default $HOME/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json)
--infra-id <string> GCP infra ID
--ocp-metadata <string> OCP metadata.json file (or directory containing it) to read GCP infra ID and region from
--project-id <string> GCP project ID
--region <string> GCP region

cleanup rhos

subctl cloud cleanup rhos [flags]

This command cleans up an installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) on OpenStack-based cloud after Submariner uninstallation.

Flag Description
--cloud-entry <string> the cloud entry to use (default openstack)
--infra-id <string> OpenStack infra ID
--ocp-metadata <string> OCP metadata.json file (or directory containing it) to read OpenStack infra ID and region from
--project-id <string> OpenStack project ID
--region <string> OpenStack region

cleanup generic

subctl cloud cleanup generic [flags]

This command removes the labels from gateway nodes after Submariner uninstallation.


subctl version

Prints the version details for the subctl binary.


subctl uninstall [flags]

This command uninstalls Submariner and its components.

The following steps are performed:

  • Delete Submariner ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings.
  • Delete the CRDs.
  • Delete the routing entries (iptables/routes/ipsets) programmed on the nodes.
  • Delete the tunnel interfaces created for internal/external communication.
  • Delete the Submariner namespace.
  • Delete the Broker namespace, if present.
  • Unlabel the gateway nodes.

uninstall flags

Flag Description
--namespace <string> Namespace in which Submariner is installed (default submariner-operator)
--yes Automatically answer yes to confirmation prompt


subctl recover-broker-info [flags]

This command recovers a lost broker-info.subm file.

Running subctl diagnose from a Pod in cluster

As of 0.12.0, a subctl image is provided for running the subctl binary from a Pod within a cluster. The output of the subctl diagnose command output can be accessed from the Pod’s logs. The --in-cluster flag was added to subctl diagnose to support this use case.

Example running subctl diagnose using a Job

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: submariner-diagnose
  namespace: submariner-operator
      labels: "true"
      - name: submariner-diagnose
        command: ["subctl",  "diagnose", "all", "--in-cluster"]
      restartPolicy: Never
      serviceAccount: submariner-diagnose
      serviceAccountName: submariner-diagnose
  backoffLimit: 0

The resulting Pod with subctl diagnose all --in-cluster logs can be accessed with the label job-name=submariner-diagnose. A similar template can also be used to create a CronJob that runs subctl diagnose periodically.