Starting with Submariner 0.12, the recommended way to uninstall Submariner is via the subctl uninstall
This will automatically remove Submariner and its components from a given cluster. For previous versions, Submariner would need to be
uninstalled manually.
Issue the subctl uninstall
command against the cluster you want to uninstall Submariner from. Example
$ subctl uninstall --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/cluster1
? This will completely uninstall Submariner from the cluster cluster1. Are you sure you want to continue? Yes
✓ Checking if the connectivity component is installed
✓ The connectivity component is installed
✓ Deleting the Submariner resource - this may take some time
✓ Deleting the Submariner cluster roles and bindings
✓ Deleted the "submariner-diagnose" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-gateway" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-globalnet" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-lighthouse-agent" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-lighthouse-coredns" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-networkplugin-syncer" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-operator" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleted the "submariner-routeagent" cluster role and binding
✓ Deleting the Submariner namespace "submariner-operator"
✓ Deleting the broker namespace "submariner-k8s-broker"
✓ Deleting the Submariner custom resource definitions
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Deleted the "" custom resource definition
✓ Unlabeling gateway nodes
To manually uninstall Submariner from a cluster, follow the steps below:
Make sure KUBECONFIG for all participating clusters is exported and all participating clusters are accessible via kubectl.
Delete Submariner-related namespaces
For each participating cluster, issue the following command:
kubectl delete namespace submariner-operator
For the Broker cluster, issue the following command:
kubectl delete namespace submariner-k8s-broker
For submariner
version 0.9 and above, also delete submariner-operator
namespace from the Broker cluster
by issuing the following command:
kubectl delete namespace submariner-operator
Delete the Submariner CRDs
For each participating cluster, issue the following command:
for CRD in `kubectl get crds | grep -iE 'submariner|'| awk '{print $1}'`; do kubectl delete crd $CRD; done
Delete Submariner’s ClusterRole
s and ClusterRoleBinding
For each participating cluster, issue the following command:
roles="submariner-operator submariner-operator-globalnet submariner-lighthouse submariner-networkplugin-syncer"
kubectl delete clusterrole,clusterrolebinding $roles --ignore-not-found
Remove the Submariner gateway labels
For each participating cluster, issue the following command:
kubectl label --all node
For OpenShift deployments, delete Lighthouse entry from default
For each participating cluster, issue the following command:
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: DNS
name: default
servers: []
This deletes the Lighthouse entry from the Data
section in Corefile
of the configmap.
clusterset.local:53 {
forward .
Verify that the Lighthouse entry is deleted from Corefile
of dns-default
configmap by running
following command on an OpenShift cluster
kubectl describe configmap dns-default -n openshift-dns
For Kubernetes deployments, manually edit the Corefile
of coredns
configmap and delete the
Lighthouse entry by issuing below commands
kubectl edit cm coredns -n kube-system
This will also restart the coredns
. Below command can also be issued to manually restart coredns
kubectl rollout restart -n kube-system deployment/coredns
Verify that the Lighthouse entry is deleted from Data
section in Corefile
of dns-default
config map by running following command on a Kubernetes cluster
kubectl describe configmap coredns -n kube-system
Following commands need to be executed from inside the cluster nodes.
Remove Submariner’s iptables chains
On all nodes in each participating cluster, issue the following commands:
iptables --flush SUBMARINER-INPUT
iptables -D INPUT $(iptables -L INPUT --line-numbers | grep SUBMARINER-INPUT | awk '{print $1}')
iptables --delete-chain SUBMARINER-INPUT
iptables -t nat --flush SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING $(iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING --line-numbers | grep SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING | awk '{print $1}')
iptables -t nat --delete-chain SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING
iptables -t mangle --flush SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING
iptables -t mangle -D POSTROUTING $(iptables -t mangle -L POSTROUTING --line-numbers | grep SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING | awk '{print $1}')
iptables -t mangle --delete-chain SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING
If Globalnet is enabled in the setup, additionally issue the following commands on gateway nodes:
iptables -t nat --flush SUBMARINER-GN-INGRESS
iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING $(iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING --line-numbers | grep SUBMARINER-GN-INGRESS | awk '{print $1}')
iptables -t nat --delete-chain SUBMARINER-GN-INGRESS
iptables -t nat --flush SUBMARINER-GN-EGRESS
iptables -t nat --delete-chain SUBMARINER-GN-EGRESS
iptables -t nat -t nat --flush SUBMARINER-GN-MARK
iptables -t nat --delete-chain SUBMARINER-GN-MARK
Delete the vx-submariner
On all nodes in each participating cluster, issue the following command:
ip link delete vx-submariner
If Globalnet release 0.9 (or earlier) is enabled in the setup, issue the following commands to remove the annotations from all the Pods and Services.
For each participating cluster, issue the following command:
for ns in `kubectl get ns -o jsonpath="{.items[*]}"`; do
kubectl annotate pods -n $ns --all
kubectl annotate services -n $ns --all