Image Related Targets

Image Capabilities

Shipyard ships Makefile.images which contains pre-packaged image capabilities that can be used to build and consume the image(s) that a project requires:

  • images: Builds the images the project provides.
  • preload-images: Pre-loads images into a local registry.
  • reload-images: Reloads images into a local registry, and updates local deployment.
  • multiarch-images: Builds the images the project provides for all platforms declared by the project.
  • release-images: Uploads the requested image(s) to

Any consuming project has to define the following variables in order for image targets to work.

  • IMAGES: A space separated list of images the project provides.
  • MULTIARCH_IMAGES: A space separated list of multi-arch images the project provides.

Global Variables

These variables affect most or all of the targets mentioned below.

  • REPO: The repo prefix to use for images (defaults to


Builds the images that the project provides, for the currently detected platform. These images can then be used when deploying a local environment.

The target is automatically consumed by other Shipyard targets, so there’s no need to explicitly specify it. Use this target when you want to purposefully rebuild a project’s images.

make images

Pre-load Images

Pre-loads all images (as defined by IMAGES) to a local registry, in case the PROVIDER is kind (default behavior). The target will rebuild all images first, to make sure they’re up-to-date.

The target is automatically consumed by other Shipyard targets, so there’s no need to explicitly specify it.

make preload-images

Reload Images

Reloads all images (as defined by IMAGES) to a local registry. The target will rebuild all images first, to make sure they’re up-to-date.

Use this target when testing with a local deployment, and you wish to use updated images without re-deploying.

make reload-images

Respected Variables for Reload

  • RESTART: Specify which Submariner component to restart:
    • none: Don’t restart anything (default behavior).
    • all: Restart all Submariner related components.
    • <component name>: Restart just the given component (e.g. gateway).

Multi-arch Images

Builds the images that the project provides for all platforms declared by the project. These images are packaged for release, and can’t be used when deploying a local environment.

make multiarch-images

Any project wishing to package such images should set the following variable in it’s Makefile:

  • PLATFORMS: Comma separated list of platforms the image should be built for.

Release Images

Uploads the images built by the project to

make release-images

Respected Variables for Release

  • QUAY_USERNAME, QUAY_PASSWORD: Needed in order to log in to Quay.
  • TAG: A tag to use for the release (default is the branch name).