Sandbox Environment (kind)

Deploy kind with Submariner Locally

kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container nodes. This guide uses kind to demonstrate deployment and operation of Submariner in three Kubernetes clusters running locally on your computer.

Submariner provides automation to deploy clusters using kind and connect them using Submariner.


  1. Install Docker and ensure it is running properly on your computer.
  2. Install and set up kubectl.

Deploy Automatically

To create kind clusters and deploy Submariner, run:

git clone
cd submariner
make deploy

By default, the automation configuration in the main submariner-io/submariner repository deploys three clusters, with cluster1 configured as the Broker. See the cluster-settings file for details.

Deploy Manually

If you wish to try out Submariner deployment manually, an easy option is to create kind clusters using our scripts and deploy Submariner with subctl.

Create kind Clusters

To create kind clusters, run:

git clone
cd submariner
make clusters

This creates three Kubernetes clusters: cluster1, cluster2 and cluster3. To see the list of kind clusters, use the following command:

$ kind get clusters

To list the local Kubernetes contexts, use the following command:

$ kubectl config get-contexts
          cluster1   cluster1   cluster1   
          cluster2   cluster2   cluster2   
*         cluster3   cluster3   cluster3

Since multiple clusters are running, you need to choose which cluster kubectl talks to. You can set a default cluster for kubectl by setting the current context in the Kubernetes kubeconfig file. Additionally, you can run the following command to set the current context for kubectl:

kubectl config use-context <cluster name>

For more information on interacting with kind, please refer to the kind documentation.

Install subctl

Download the subctl binary and make it available on your PATH.

curl -Ls | bash
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin
echo export PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin >> ~/.profile

Use cluster1 as Broker

subctl deploy-broker --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster1 --service-discovery

Join cluster2 and cluster3 to the Broker

subctl join --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster2 broker-info.subm --clusterid cluster2 --disable-nat
subctl join --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 broker-info.subm --clusterid cluster3 --disable-nat

You now have a Submariner environment that you can experiment with.

Verify Deployment

Verify Automatically with subctl

This will perform automated verifications between the clusters.

subctl verify output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster2 output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 --only service-discovery,connectivity --verbose

Verify Manually

To manually verify the deployment, follow the steps below using either a headless or ClusterIP nginx service deployed in cluster3.

Deploy ClusterIP Service
kubectl --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 create deployment nginx --image=nginx
kubectl --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 expose deployment nginx --port=80
subctl export service --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 --namespace default nginx
Deploy Headless Service

Headless Services can only be exported on non-Globalnet deployments.

kubectl --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 create deployment nginx --image=nginx
kubectl --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 expose deployment nginx --port=80 --cluster-ip=None
subctl export service --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster3 --namespace default nginx

Run nettest from cluster2 to access the nginx service:

kubectl --kubeconfig output/kubeconfigs/kind-config-cluster2 -n default  run --generator=run-pod/v1 \
tmp-shell --rm -i --tty --image -- /bin/bash
curl nginx.default.svc.clusterset.local


When you are done experimenting and you want to delete the clusters deployed in any of the previous steps, use the following command:

make cleanup