Advanced Features

Shipyard has many advanced features to use in consuming projects.

To utilize an advanced feature in a project consuming Shipyard, a good practice is to change the project’s Makefile to have the advanced logic that is always needed. Any variable functionality can then be passed as desired in the command line.

Image Building Helper Script

Shipyard ships an image building script which can be used to build the image(s) that you require. The script has built in caching capabilities to speed up local and pull request CI builds, by utilizing docker’s ability to reuse layers from a cached image.

The script accepts several flags:

  • tag: The tag to set for the local image (defaults to dev).
  • repo: The repo portion to use for the image name.
  • image (-i): The image name itself.
  • dockerfile (-f): The Dockerfile to build the image from.
  • [no]cache: Turns the caching on (or off).

For example, to build the submariner image use:

${SCRIPTS_DIR}/ -i submariner -f package/Dockerfile

Deployment Scripts Features

Per Cluster Settings

Shipyard supports specifying different settings for each deployed cluster. A default cluster_settings is supplied in the image, so any custom settings override those. The settings are sent to supporting scripts using a --cluster_settings flag.

Currently, the following settings are supported:

  • clusters: An array of the clusters to deploy.

  • cluster_nodes: A map of cluster names to a space separated string, representing a list of nodes to deploy. Supported values are control-plane and worker.

    cluster_nodes[cluster1]="control-plane worker"
    cluster_nodes[cluster2]="control-plane worker worker"
  • cluster_subm: A map of cluster names to values specifying if Submariner should be installed. Set to true to have Submariner installed, or to false to skip the installation.


Example: Custom Per Cluster Settings

As an example, in order to customize the clusters to have two workers, and no submariner on the 1st cluster, create a cluster_settings file in the project:

cluster_nodes['cluster2']="control-plane worker worker"
cluster_nodes['cluster3']="control-plane worker worker"

Then, to apply these settings, add this snippet to the Makefile:

CLUSTER_SETTINGS_FLAG = --cluster_settings $(DAPPER_SOURCE)/path/to/cluster_settings

The path to cluster_settings should be specified relative to the project root; this ends up available in the build container in the directory referenced by $DAPPER_SOURCE.

Clusters Deployment Customization

It’s possible to supply extra flags when calling make clusters via a make variable CLUSTERS_ARGS (or an environment variable with the same name). These flags affect how the clusters are deployed (and possibly influence how Submariner works).

Flags of note:

  • k8s_version: Allows to specify the Kubernetes version that kind will deploy. Available versions can be found here.

    make clusters CLUSTERS_ARGS='--k8s_version 1.18.0'
  • globalnet: When set, deploys the clusters with overlapping Pod & Service CIDRs to simulate this scenario.

    make clusters CLUSTERS_ARGS='--globalnet'

Submariner Deployment Customization

It’s possible to supply extra flags when calling make deploy via a make variable DEPLOY_ARGS (or an environment variable with the same name). These flags affect how Submariner is deployed on the clusters.

Since deploy relies on clusters then effectively you could also specify CLUSTERS_ARGS to control the cluster deployment (provided the cluster hasn’t been deployed yet).

Flags of note:

  • deploytool: Specifies the deployment tool to use: operator (default) or helm.

    make deploy DEPLOY_ARGS='--deploytool operator'
  • deploytool_broker_args: Any extra arguments to pass to the deploy tool when deploying the broker.

    make deploy DEPLOY_ARGS='--deploytool operator --deploytool_broker_args "--service-discovery"'
  • deploytool_submariner_args: Any extra arguments to pass to the deploy tool when deploying Submariner.

    make deploy DEPLOY_ARGS='--deploytool operator --deploytool_submariner_args "--cable-driver wireguard"'
  • globalnet: When set, deploys Submariner with the globalnet controller, and assigns a unique Global CIDR to each cluster.

    make deploy DEPLOY_ARGS='--globalnet'

Example: Passing Deployment Variables

As an example, in order to deploy with Lighthouse and support both Operator and Helm deployments, one can add this snippet to the Makefile:

ifeq ($(deploytool),operator)
DEPLOY_ARGS += --deploytool operator --deploytool_broker_args '--service-discovery'
DEPLOY_ARGS += --deploytool helm --deploytool_broker_args '--set submariner.serviceDiscovery=true' --deploytool_submariner_args '--set submariner.serviceDiscovery=true,lighthouse.image.repository=localhost:5000/lighthouse-agent,serviceAccounts.lighthouse.create=true'

In such a case, the call to deploy the environment would look like this:

make deploy [deploytool=operator]

Note that deploytool is a variable used to determine the tool to use, but isn’t passed to or used by Shipyard.