This section describes how to create a Submariner product release. It is assumed that you are familiar with the various Submariner projects and their repositories and are familiar with Git and GitHub.
The Submariner projects have a dependency hierarchy with respect to their Go libraries and Docker images. Therefore the releases for each individual project must be created in a specific order.
The Go dependency hierarchy flow is as follows:
<- admiral
<- [submariner, lighthouse]
<- submariner-operator
Note that the submariner
and lighthouse
projects are siblings and thus do not depend on one another. Also the
components expect that lighthouse
and submariner
are aligned on the same exact version.
The Docker image dependency hierarchy flow is as follows:
subctl binary
<- shipyard dapper base image
<- [admiral, submariner, lighthouse, submariner-operator]
The Dapper base image that is provided by shipyard
for building and E2E tests in all of the other projects pulls in the
The vx.x.x
version format is used for the git projects while x.x.x
is used for Docker images.
The typical workflow is to first create release candidate(s) for testing before creating the final release. The suggested
naming convention is to append -rcN
to the final version, for example v0.8.0-rc0
, v0.8.0-rc1
Sometimes you may want to create a specific project release for testing prior to creating a release candidate. In this
case, the suggested naming convention is to append -preN
The following sections outline the steps to be taken in order to create a full Submariner product release. As an example,
we’ll use version v0.8.0
The release process is mostly automated and uses a YAML file created in the releases repository that describes the release. This file is updated for each step in the release process.
Once the changes for a step are reviewed and merged, a CI job will run to create the release(s) for the step and create the required pull requests in preparation for the next step to be reviewed and merged. Once all these pull requests have been merged, you can continue onto the next step.
For most projects, after a release is created, another job will be initiated to build release artifacts and publish to Quay.
This will take several minutes. You can monitor the progress from the project’s main page. In the branches/tags pull-down
above the file list heading, select the tag for the new version. A small yellow circle icon should be present to the right
of the file list heading which indicates a job is in progress. You can click it to see details. There may be several checks
for the job listed but the important one is Release Images
. When complete, the indicator icon will change to either a
green check mark on success or a red X on failure. A failure likely means the artifacts were not published to Quay, in
which case select the failed check, inspect the logs, correct the issue and re-run the job.
projectNavigate to the releases repository and fork it.
Create a new branch for the intended release.
Create a new file in the releases
directory (you can copy the example.yaml file
). For our example, we’ll name it v0.8.0.yaml
Fill in the general fields for the release with the status
field set to shipyard
. Also add the shipyard
component with
the hash of the desired or latest commit ID on which to base the release. To obtain the latest, first navigate to
the shipyard project. The heading above the file list shows the latest
commit on the master branch including the first 7 hex digits of the commit ID hash.
If this is not a final release, set the pre-release
field to true
(that is uncomment the pre-release
line below).
This includes release candidates. This is important so it is not labeled as the Latest release in GitHub.
version: v0.8.0
name: 0.8.0
#pre-release: true
status: shipyard
shipyard: <hash goes here>
Create a link for the file to make it the target release. This file is used by the CI jobs.
ln -s v0.8.0.yaml target
Commit the new files, create a new pull request, and have it reviewed and merged.
Once the pull request is merged, it will trigger a CI job to create a
shipyard release and build the Dapper base image. In addition,
it creates pull requests in the projects that consume shipyard
to pin them to the new version in preparation for the
subsequent steps.
On successful completion, the generated image version (0.8.0
) should be available on Quay here:
projectOnce the pull request to pin the admiral
project to the new shipyard
version is merged, we can proceed to updating the
release YAML file to create an admiral
On your releases repository fork, you can either reuse the previous branch or create a new one. For the former, be sure to first rebase the branch on the latest upstream.
Edit the release yaml file (v0.8.0.yaml
). Update the status
field to admiral
and add the admiral
component with
the latest commit ID hash:
-status: shipyard
+status: admiral
shipyard: <hash goes here>
+ admiral: <hash goes here>
Commit the modified file, create a new pull request, and have it reviewed and merged.
Once the pull request is merged, it will trigger a CI job to create an admiral release and pull requests in the consuming projects to pin them to the new version in preparation for the subsequent steps.
and submariner
projectsOnce the pull requests to pin the lighthouse
and submariner
projects to the new admiral
version are merged:
On your releases repository fork, either reuse the previous branch or create a new one.
Edit the release yaml file (v0.8.0.yaml
). Update the status
field to projects
and add the submariner
components with their latest commit ID hashes:
-status: admiral
+status: projects
shipyard: <hash goes here>
admiral: <hash goes here>
+ lighthouse: <hash goes here>
+ submariner: <hash goes here>
Commit the modified file, create a new pull request, and have it reviewed and merged.
Once the pull request is merged, it will trigger a CI job to create
lighthouse and
submariner releases and a pull request to pin the consuming
project to the new version.
On successful completion, the new image versions (0.8.0
) should be available on Quay.
For submariner
For lighthouse
Once the pull request to pin the submariner-operator
has been merged, we can create the final product release:
On your releases repository fork, either reuse the previous branch or create a new one.
Edit the release yaml file (v0.8.0.yaml
). Update the status
field to released
and add the submariner-operator
and submariner-charts
components with their latest commit ID hashes:
-status: projects
+status: released
shipyard: <hash goes here>
admiral: <hash goes here>
lighthouse: <hash goes here>
submariner: <hash goes here>
+ submariner-charts: <hash goes here>
+ submariner-operator: <hash goes here>
Commit the modified file, create a new pull request, and have it reviewed and merged.
Once the pull request is merged, it will trigger a CI job to generate and tag the submariner-operator
image which should be
made available on Quay here:
The final product release will be created on the releases repository
with a job triggered to publish the subctl
binaries for the various platforms. These should be listed under the Assets
section for the new release. If not then the job failed so correct the issue and re-run the job.
If the release wasn’t marked as a pre-release
, the release job will also create pull requests in each consuming project
to unpin the shipyard
Dapper base image version, that is set it back to devel
. For ongoing development we want each
project to automatically pick up the latest changes to the base image.
If this is a final release, add a section for it on this website’s release notes page.
Clone the submariner-website project.
Open src/content/releases/
and make changes.
Commit the changes, create a pull request, and have it reviewed and merged.
Alternatively you can edit the file and create a pull request directly on GitHub here
You can follow any of the quick start guides.
The community-operators Git repository is the source for sharing Kubernetes Operators with the broader community. This repository is split into two sections:
To publish the Submariner Operator to the community, perform the following steps:
Clone the submariner-operator project
Make sure you have operator-sdk v1 installed on your machine otherwise follow this guide
Generate new package manifests by running the command:
make packagemanifests VERSION=${new_version} FROM_VERSION=${previous_version} CHANNEL=${channel}
the generated package output should be located in /packagemanifests/${VERSION}/
Fork and clone community-operators project.
Update the Kubernetes Operator:
into upstream-community-operators/submariner/
make operator.test OP_PATH=upstream-community-operators/submariner
Update the OpenShift Operator: